Repair & Maintenance
Regular maintenance is required in order to ensure that your heating and air conditioning unit is working at tip top performance. A well-maintained system can improve indoor occupancy comfort and reduce your energy bill. We recommend that you perform preventative maintenance every 6 months.
Our maintenance services include: 1) cleaning out debris from your machine, 2) recharging your refrigerant, 3) checking the electrical control board, 4) checking thermostat settings, 5) tightening all electrical connections and measuring voltages, 6) lubricating all moving parts, 7) checking and inspecting the condensate drain, 8) cleaning and adjusting air blower components, and 9) changing out air filters.
If your heating or air conditioning system is not working, our certified professional are here to diagnose and fix your problem. If your machine still has a manufacturer warranty, we can help you obtain the part from the manufacturer free of charge.